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Healing U.S.™ is a transformative program designed to elevate your organization's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts by addressing the root causes of systemic bias and discrimination. Healing U.S.™ focuses on deep Ego and Shadow work to dismantle R.A.C.I.S.M.™, an acronym that stands for Racism, Abelism and Ageism, Classism, Intellectualism, Sexism, and Materialism. This comprehensive approach ensures that every facet of inequity is acknowledged and addressed, fostering a truly inclusive workplace culture.

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Healing U.S.™ employs the V.I.B.E.™ process, which stands for Voice, Introspection, Breath, and Embodiment. This method encourages participants to explore their inner biases and behaviors through sound and communication (Voice), self-reflection and understanding (Introspection), mindful breathing techniques (Breath), and integrating these insights into daily practices (Embodiment). By engaging in Healing U.S.™, your organization can cultivate an environment where diversity is celebrated, equity is upheld, and inclusion becomes a lived reality. Join us in creating a workplace where every individual feels valued and empowered to contribute their unique strengths.

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