(804) 306-8605 info@foshoenergywork.com


Men’s Breath Work

Qi Gong, (pronounced chee – gong), is Chinese for Breath Work. In Traditional Chinese Medicine each one of our Organs has a different set of Emotions that are stored in them. These Emotions tend to be “positive” reflecting Alignment with our Purpose and Pleasure or “negative” shedding Light on some misalignment in our Body and/or Belief Systems.
There are Breath and Meditation techniques that can help a Man bring parts of his personality that are dormant online. By Connecting in a deep way with himself he can then Connect with his Lover/s. This Breath Work is aimed at helping Men Heal, Align with their Purpose, and increase Sensual Pleasure by optimizing Energy levels, Stamina, and Semen Retention. 
Contact info@foshoenergy.com







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